If Your Partner Upsets You, There’s a Good Chance it’s Accidental

Happy couple sunset

I do many stupid things. Not listening well enough. Being forgetful. Being oblivious. But not once have I ever woken up and thought I wanted to upset my wife. Sometimes there are just accidents or different perspectives. If your partner has made you angry, there is a good chance it wasn’t intentional. Most people don’t […]

In Defense of a Consistent Cancellation Policy

Appointment cancelation

I’m the first to admit that before I started working as a counselor, I wasn’t very considerate to service providers regarding missing appointments. I felt like I could cancel when convenient, and the providers made so much money anyway, that it wasn’t an issue. I also figured many providers are just so busy that they […]

We Never Fight, Our Marriage Can’t Be That Bad, Right?

Bored couple loss of spark

When couples come to therapy, disagreement and fighting can be a sign that they still care about one another. Tension is normal, especially in close relationships. It’s couples who never fight or are indifferent that often end up getting divorced. It is difficult for a relationship to recover if one of both members of the couple […]

The Value of Giving Your Counselor Feedback

Feedback communication

Finding the right therapeutic relationship is important. If it is clear from the start that there is not going to be a good connection, it may be appropriate to try someone new. Experienced counselors realize that not every potential counselor-client relationship is the right fit and don’t take offense. I personally think it’s worth giving […]

How Will Post-Pandemic Life Affect Relationships?


The COVID Pandemic For some, the COVID-19 pandemic brought couples closer together. For others, it really challenged the relationship. With more people working from home, staying inside, and not attending events that typically brought couples together, the strain has been real for many couples. For some couples, the pandemic has taught them that they have […]