Clients sometimes ask if they will have homework as part of the couples counseling process. In one sense, the answer is always yes. Practicing what you learn in therapy is key to improvement. However, this type of homework is less prescriptive and is designed to happen naturally through your interactions. Another form of assignment includes worksheets, reading materials, and exercises you can do together. The extent to which you can and want to do this type of work is up to you.
Our philosophy is that you are adults and can choose how much you want to do outside of therapy. You’ll be asked what (if any) additional commitment you want to do outside of treatment. Of course, this could vary by the week. Those who have the time to do more at home usually have better or at least faster outcomes. We can make targeted homework suggestions based on where you are as a couple. Many exercises come from the Gottman Method for couples therapy. For some, spending extra time is not realistic. It’s also possible that an article you could be given to read at home could be helpful, but hearing a minute-long summary in session is a more efficient use of your time. Some couples aren’t in a place where they can do exercises together without the aid of a therapist at first. We can hold you accountable if you want (to a degree, but let’s face it, all we can do is ask if you completed the work and mention how it can be helpful). So, the choice is yours, and there are pros and cons to each approach based on your situation.