cardinal point counseling
Cardinal Point Counseling

Reasons Couples Get Divorced

Couple hugging

Once upon a time when divorce was rare, most people were driven to divorce by one of the “Triple A” problems: Affairs, Addictions, or Abuse. Divorce meant someone was chronically cheating, repeatedly drunk, or physically violent. Desertion was the fourth reason for divorce in 19th century America when husbands would go west and disappear. Affairs, […]

They Decided to get Divorced” is Rarely True


We often hear that a couple “decided to get divorced.” Sometimes there is mutual agreement, but most of the time, it is one person driving the decision. I often see scenarios where one person has their foot out the door, and the other is arguing with them about how great the marriage is. Unfortunately, this […]

Do You Ever Recommend Divorce?

Divorce recommendation

This is a question that impacts how many marriage therapists choose to practice. I will admit that my personal bias is to keep couples together. At the same time, I believe counselors have a legal and ethical responsibility to keep their biases out of therapy. Examples of therapists showing their biases could be those who […]