cardinal point counseling
Cardinal Point Counseling

Who Needs Discernment Counseling?

Discernment counseling

Couples experiencing high conflict
Discernment counseling is particularly useful for couples who are experiencing high levels of conflict and are unsure about whether they want to continue with their relationship. This type of counseling can help them gain clarity about their feelings and make a decision about the future of their relationship.

  1. Couples considering divorce
    Discernment counseling can also be helpful for couples who are considering divorce but are not yet sure if it is the right decision. This type of counseling can help them explore their options and gain a deeper understanding of their relationship.
  2. Couples with communication issues
    Couples who struggle with communication can benefit from discernment counseling. This type of counseling can help them learn new communication skills and strategies that can improve their relationship.
  3. Couples with trust issues
    Couples who have trust issues can also benefit from discernment counseling. This type of counseling can help them explore the root causes of their trust issues and work towards building a stronger, more trusting relationship.
  4. Couples with different goals and values
    Couples who have different goals and values can benefit from discernment counseling. This type of counseling can help them explore their differences and find ways to compromise and work together towards common goals.
  5. Couples who have experienced infidelity
    Couples who have experienced infidelity can benefit from discernment counseling. This type of counseling can help them explore the impact of the infidelity on their relationship and work towards rebuilding trust and intimacy.
  6. Couples who want to improve their relationship
    Discernment counseling can also be helpful for couples who simply want to improve their relationship. This type of counseling can help them identify areas of their relationship that need improvement and work towards building a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.