cardinal point counseling
Cardinal Point Counseling

You Might Need Columbus, Ohio Divorce Counseling

Happy divorcing couple

Many people think couples counseling is only for couples who want to make the relationship work. Even popular models like Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and the Gottman Method barely mention the word divorce, let alone explain how to work with divorcing couples. There is also discernment counseling for those who want to make up their mind (or at least one person is “leaning out.”). Divorce can be one of the most traumatic life experiences. Some couples may be able to separate amicably, but it’s a contentious process for many. Counseling may be advised for the couple (or soon-to-be former couple) or as individuals. Processing how to deal with being single again, co-parenting, sharing finances, and divorcing more amicably can improve the process.

In fact, when going through a divorce, you may need counseling more than ever. Coupled with a more collaborative divorce process, you can learn to be happier after the marriage ends. A counselor can also serve as an unofficial mediator to help you navigate difficult conversations. It’s also not over until it’s over for some (there is often indecision when signing the final papers), so Bill Doherty’s discernment counseling (offered here) can help you be sure of your decision or decide to give it your full effort for six months to try to make things work.

Divorce or discernment counseling is available in Columbus, Ohio, and surrounding areas in person or online virtually anywhere in the state.