cardinal point counseling
Cardinal Point Counseling

Choosing Between a 50 and 75-Minute Appointment

Time in relationships

Sometimes people get overwhelmed with the number of appointment types Cardinal Point has to offer. This is understandable, especially if you have never done counseling. I have found that intake sessions need 75 minutes to be most successful. Beyond that, it largely depends on you. Below are some considerations when choosing an appointment time. Choosing […]

Why I Take Sides

Taking sides

Many people come to couples counseling looking for a neutral third party. Many people leave couples counseling when they think the therapist is more on one person’s “side” than another. I am on the side of your relationship. The relationship is the client, not you or your partner. I think the very concept of “sides” […]

Look for a Developmental Couples Therapist


People work hard for their insurance benefits, and it’s understandable for those who want to use them. There are several blog posts about insurance and couples therapy on this site, but the main point of this post is to focus on finding a developmental couples therapist. The insurance model is based on a diagnosis(es) of […]

You Don’t Need to “Need” Couples Counseling

Gay couple

Some couples come to counseling where one person feels like they “don’t really need it.” The good news is, the less you really need it, the faster you can get help and the more likely you are to be successful. The average couple waits six years after the start of serious problems to get help. […]

What is Cheating in Today’s World?

Cheating infidelity

When I meet with couples for pre-marriage counseling, we always go through specifically what is and is not appropriate behavior with the attracted sex(es) or opposite sex. Some people react that it’s obvious, right? The internet and smartphones have made it not obvious to many people at all. It used to be that an affair […]