cardinal point counseling
Cardinal Point Counseling

You Might Need Columbus, Ohio Divorce Counseling

Happy divorcing couple

Many people think couples counseling is only for couples who want to make the relationship work. Even popular models like Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and the Gottman Method barely mention the word divorce, let alone explain how to work with divorcing couples. There is also discernment counseling for those who want to make up their […]

Emotionally Focused Therapy

Couple arguing EFT

There are many well-researched models of couples therapy, and there seems to be some snobbery that each model is the only one clients or therapists need. The reality is different clients respond differently to different modes of therapy. While drastically simplified, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is about understanding if you fit into familiar patterns of […]

Reasons Couples Get Divorced

Couple hugging

Once upon a time when divorce was rare, most people were driven to divorce by one of the “Triple A” problems: Affairs, Addictions, or Abuse. Divorce meant someone was chronically cheating, repeatedly drunk, or physically violent. Desertion was the fourth reason for divorce in 19th century America when husbands would go west and disappear. Affairs, […]

Marriage isn’t Over Until it’s Over

Marriage and divorce

It’s commonly believed that when people enter the legal divorce process, they have come to accept that divorce is inevitable. Even therapists and lawyers tend to assume that once divorce papers are filed, ambivalence about divorcing is over. The only task ahead is to help couples have a constructive end to their marriage.  Recent research […]

Who to Talk to and Not Talk to Regarding a Potential Divorce


We’ve seen people in your shoes—a spouse who announces they are leaning toward wanting a divorce and makes a bunch of mistakes when talking with others. One mistake is not telling anyone, often out of shame or avoiding recognizing the threat as real. The result is isolation and stewing in one’s juices. A second mistake […]