Couples’ Issues with Texting

Texting her crush

The lack of tone in texts makes misinterpretations easy. A rushed response might seem harsher than intended, or someone in a bad mood might take a message the wrong way. Fights that erupt over text can quickly spiral, with things said that wouldn’t fly face-to-face.

In my experience, texting is best for quick updates or logistical stuff – “running late” or “picking up milk.” When it comes to deeper conversations or anything emotionally charged, it’s better to pick up the phone or, even better, talk in person.

Consider how texting has impacted your own relationships. What works best for you? Maybe it’s a rule never to tackle big issues over a message, or maybe it’s simply taking a breath and rereading your message before hitting send.

Here are some additional reasons not to text at times in a relationship.

  • Miscommunication City: Texting lacks tone and body language, which are crucial for understanding emotions. A joke might land flat, a sarcastic remark could seem serious, and frustration can be misread as anger. This can lead to unnecessary arguments and hurt feelings.
  • Heat of the Moment Hurts: Texting allows for quick replies, which isn’t always a good thing. In the throes of an argument, it’s easy to fire off a message you might regret later. Take a step back and cool down before hitting send.
  • Shallow Connections: Texting can become a crutch for avoiding deeper conversations. Important discussions deserve face-to-face interaction, where you can truly connect and understand each other’s perspectives.
  • Lost in Translation: Complexities and nuances get lost in texts. Do it in person if you need to apologize, express love, or have a difficult conversation. Texting simply can’t convey the sincerity and depth these situations require.
  • Constant Contact Can Be Clingy: While staying connected is important, being bombarded by texts can feel overwhelming and suffocating. Give your partner space and allow them to live their life outside of their phone.