Why Premarriage Counseling Is Important for Engaged Couples

Premarriage counseling

Premarriage counseling in Columbus, Ohio (or anywhere in Ohio via telehealth) is essential in preparing couples for marriage. In addition, it helps prepare them for life together by helping them learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and manage money. Premarriage counseling helps prepare you for what will happen when you marry Premarriage counseling teaches […]

Marriage Counseling as Preventative

Asian couple

Many people have a misconception that they have to wait until their marriage or relationship is in shambles to seek counseling. That’s like saying you have to be in the worst shape of your life to go to a gym. In fact, many of the happiest couples are those who seek counseling at the first […]

The Gottman Sound Relationship House

Sound relationship house

After about 45 years of research, the Gottmans have determined what makes relationships last a lifetime. Their theory can be visualized in the “Sound Relationship House.” Like any house, it starts with a solid foundation—a strong friendship. Self-help methods for working with the Gottman tools designed for the Sound Relationship House are available. Love Maps […]

5 Reasons To Make Time for Couples Counseling

Time in relationships

One reason couples who want to improve their relationship choose not to go to couples counseling is that they are afraid of the time commitment. This is understandable and can be difficult for those with already busy lives. However, the following are 5 reasons to make time anyway. 1. What is more important than your […]

Benefits of Working With a Male Marriage Counselor

Aaron Engel counselor

Women generally seek counseling more often than men. One major struggle couples face with couples counseling, marriage counseling, or relationship counseling is that males often do not want to go. Many men have been raised to hope that ignoring problems will make them disappear or at least be forgotten. Most of my friends would rather […]