Reasons to Try a Few Pre-Marriage Sessions Outside of a Religious Organization

Pre marriage counseling

You may belong to a religious organization that offers (or maybe requires) free or low-cost pre-marriage counseling sessions. They may offer Christian counseling or other religious counseling. These sessions can be great ways to explore your upcoming marriage and how it relates to your faith. It may make sense to try a couple of additional […]

Top 10 Signs Marriage Counseling is Working

Marriage counseling working

Improved Communication: One of the first signs that marriage counseling is working is improved communication between partners. Couples who were once unable to effectively express their thoughts and feelings are now able to have open and honest conversations without fear of judgment or criticism.

The Benefits of Marriage Counseling Therapy Marathon Intensives

Marathon therapy

If you and your spouse are struggling to communicate effectively or work through issues in your marriage, a marriage counseling therapy marathon intensive may be a helpful option. This type of intensive therapy involves several hours of counseling over the course of a few days, allowing couples to jumpstart their relationship and gain valuable tools […]

Marriage isn’t Over Until it’s Over

Marriage and divorce

It’s commonly believed that when people enter the legal divorce process, they have come to accept that divorce is inevitable. Even therapists and lawyers tend to assume that once divorce papers are filed, ambivalence about divorcing is over. The only task ahead is to help couples have a constructive end to their marriage.  Recent research […]

Why Premarriage Counseling Is Important for Engaged Couples

Premarriage counseling

Premarriage counseling in Columbus, Ohio (or anywhere in Ohio via telehealth) is essential in preparing couples for marriage. In addition, it helps prepare them for life together by helping them learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and manage money. Premarriage counseling helps prepare you for what will happen when you marry Premarriage counseling teaches […]