Marriage Counseling as Preventative

Asian couple

Many people have a misconception that they have to wait until their marriage or relationship is in shambles to seek counseling. That’s like saying you have to be in the worst shape of your life to go to a gym. In fact, many of the happiest couples are those who seek counseling at the first […]

How to Suggest Marriage Counseling to Your Partner

Wedding cake

The average couple waits six years after the start of serious problems to seek relationship counseling. Like a physical injury that becomes more difficult to heal over time without being treated, relationships and marriages are the same. Being proactive can prevent more lengthy, potentially painful, and costly treatment later. When couples hit what is close […]

The Best Marriage and Couples App

Marriage and couples app

As a new year begins, many people have probably resolved to spend less time on their phones. I fully support this idea and find phone addiction to be a legitimate modern concern. My first thought in helping couples have better communication is not to tell them to spend more time on their phones, especially when […]

Benefits of Working With a Male Marriage Counselor

Aaron Engel counselor

Women generally seek counseling more often than men. One major struggle couples face with couples counseling, marriage counseling, or relationship counseling is that males often do not want to go. Many men have been raised to hope that ignoring problems will make them disappear or at least be forgotten. Most of my friends would rather […]