5 Reasons To Make Time for Couples Counseling

Time in relationships

One reason couples who want to improve their relationship choose not to go to couples counseling is that they are afraid of the time commitment. This is understandable and can be difficult for those with already busy lives. However, the following are 5 reasons to make time anyway. 1. What is more important than your […]

Couples Counseling and Homework

Couples counseling homework

Clients sometimes ask if they will have homework as part of the couples counseling process. In one sense, the answer is always yes. Practicing what you learn in therapy is key to improvement. However, this type of homework is less prescriptive and is designed to happen naturally through your interactions. Another form of assignment includes […]

The Three Person Couples Counseling Team

Couples counseling as a team

Couples counseling with Cardinal Point Counseling is a team effort between the couple and your counselor. Different clients go into counseling with differing expectations of how the interaction should work. Sometimes opinions are cultural, with members of some cultures wanting someone to take charge and tell them what to do fully. Others come into counseling […]

Do Couple Therapists Take Sides?

Couples Counseling and Marriage Counseling

Yes and no. A good couples counselor will sometimes take sides, the side of your relationship. It is challenging and occasionally irresponsible to try and make two people who are sometimes at odds happy all of the time. Sometimes, one person needs to be called out for something like being verbally abusive. A partner who […]

Benefits of Working With a Male Marriage Counselor

Aaron Engel counselor

Women generally seek counseling more often than men. One major struggle couples face with couples counseling, marriage counseling, or relationship counseling is that males often do not want to go. Many men have been raised to hope that ignoring problems will make them disappear or at least be forgotten. Most of my friends would rather […]